Monday, March 15, 2021

Kansas State Business Summer Camp

A resident of Wayzata, Minnesota, Travis Hansberger has been a certified financial planner for 11 years, having opened his own firm, Millstone Wealth Management, in 2020. Prior to his career in financial planning, Travis Hansberger attended Kansas State University where he earned a degree in personal finance.

Alongside its degree programs, the College of Business at Kansas State offers high school students the chance to learn more about business through its College of Business Summer Camp. The camp is geared toward students in their sophomore year (tenth grade) and older, and is designed to help them become acquainted with careers in the industry, in addition to giving them insight into the college experience.

The summer camp is a three-day, two-night intensive event introducing the students to the business school and campus life. During the camp, students are encouraged to explore leadership skills and the various disciplines offered at the College, such as management, marketing, accounting, and finance. Much of the information the students receive comes from discussions with instructors, team collaboration, and field trips to local businesses; this helps them establish connections to utilize later in their careers. Even after they complete the summer camp, the participants continue to have access to specialized events through the College of Business. 

Roth IRA Conversions as a Tax Strategy

Based in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, Travis Hansberger provides a host of client-driven solutions as head of Millstone Wealth Management. Wor...